
Get juiced with Kris Carr

It should be noted that I love Kris Carr.  I think she is a sparkly beacon of goodness and light and I would pretty much buy anything she sells.  If she came out with a line of snow tires I would hesitate for a minute (since I live in southern California) but ultimately would probably wind up having to explain to my husband why there are four ginormous tires sitting in our living room.  So, you can imagine my delight last week when (instead of snow tires) Kris came out with an 80 page e-book dedicated entirely to the art of making smoothies and juice.  Does this girl know the way to my heart or what??  Not only does the book have over 60 different recipes, but Kris also walks you through all the info you would ever need when looking to incorporate juicing into your life.  From fasting to picking out the right juicer to the difference between juicing and blending, this e-book leaves no veg un-juiced…metaphorically and literally.  Three cheers, Kris Carr!!  I raise my glass of Green Goddess Smoothie to you!!

-♥ J :)

Green Goddess Smoothie
by Kris Carr
Makes 16 oz.
  • 1 avocado*
  • 1 - 2 pieces of low-glycemic fruit: green apple, pear, berries and cantaloupe
  • 1 cucumber
  • A fistful of kale or romaine or spinach
  • Coconut water (or purified water)
  • Stevia to taste, and or a sprinkle of cinnamon or some cacao (optional)
* Use coconut meat or raw almond butter or nut milk in place of avocado.
Prep and wash all produce. Blend and serve.

P.S. Get your own copy of Kris's book by clicking on the heart to the above.
P.P.S.  Remember when we were going to do this detox?? Well, that didn't happen, but I'm beginning to feel that urge again, Veggies.  I see Spring peeking it's head around the corner and it is whispering: "deee-tooxx."  Stay tuned.