
Finally a good use for yogurt…

Well, for yogurt cups anyway.  Last week at Trader Joe's I bought this adorable Preserve toothbrush made from recycled yogurt cups!!   Not only that, but the toothbrush's packaging doubles as a return envelope for you to send your toothbrush back to the company to be recycled.  When you are done with it, your little toothbrush will have a new life as "plastic lumber for use in new picnic tables, park benches and boardwalks."  As if knowing that you are saving the world with your toothbrush is not reason enough to snag one, it is, also, by far the cutest toothbrush I have ever seen!  It's "I want to take moonlit strolls on the beach with it" cute.  It's "let's get a puppy together and name it Buddy" cute.  It's "snuggling by the fire in a lake house cabin"…ok, I think you get my point.  It comes in an array of vibrant, candy colored shades and curves back in a way that makes the toothbrush look like it's permanently chilling in camel pose

To find out more about Preserve and how to get your own toothbrush click HERE.  The earth (and your bathroom) will thank you.

-♥ J :)