
Salad Sundays: And the award for "Best Use of Chard" goes to…

The Power of Green Salad from Hugo's Restaurant!!  Yaaay!!!  The epitome of "bitter sweet",  this blend of tart greens, sweet avocado and tangy cherries is sure to have you clamoring for more.  Chopping the greens is this salad's secret weapon.  Not only does that make the dense greens more manageable, but chopping also ensures that every bite you take is a perfectly balanced medley of flavor.  Congrats, Power of Green!!  Your award is well deserved!!

The Power of Green Salad
  • chopped spinach
  • chopped green chard
  • broccoli
  • green beans
  • asparagus
  • organic dried cherries
  • avocado
  • sunflower seeds
  • **chick peas (Not included in Hugo's salad.  I added these when I got home)
  1. Toss ingredients with sherry vinaigrette (like this one).
  2. Eat and enjoy!

-♥ J :)

P.S.  Had so much fun watching The Oscars at Steve and Charli's annual Oscar Party last night!!  Instead of salad, I really should be showing you pictures of the Moroccan Cous Cous and homemade(!!) truffles that Charli made for the event.  Both were amazing!!  In other news, I came in second in our ferociously competitive Oscar pool for the third year in a row.  This year I felt I handled the loss with a bit more grace than I have in years past.  Ummm…a very, very small bit.  Congrats to my husband John who took home the win!!  Did you guys watch the Oscars last night??  Wasn't the performance by Cirque Du Soleil breathtaking??