
Champagne and Babycakes NYC

Yesterday I had one of those overly ambitious days where I tried to conquer my monster to-do list in one fell swoop.  I did ok, but one of the to-do's that didn't make the cut was eating (and therefore posting) a salad for Salad Sundays*.  Instead, I opted to have a delicious dinner of champagne and cupcakes while watching the SAG Awards.  What can I say?  Some days salad just doesn't win the fight.  But, hey, at least the cupcakes were of the heavenly Babycakes NYC variety.  Babycakes are vegan and gluten free so I feel like that kinda counts as a balanced meal (and champagne** counts as a fruit, right??).  

If you haven't checked out the new Hollywood/ Larchmont Babycakes locationyou need to go immediately.  In addition to the cupcakes and baked goods, they have homemade lemonade, cheap coffee and the very promising sounding "icing shots" for only $1.50.  The staff is as sweet as the treats and the fun, kitschy vibe of the store makes you feel like you are in a homey, small town bakery.  They even had silly tip jars marked "Pauly Shore or Jersey Shore…Vote with your tip."  I put money in each since I wasn't sure…get it…I wasn't "sure"…"shore"…"sure"…never mind.  One thing I am sure of....Babycakes for dinner is a really fun way to end a Sunday.

- J :)

*Salad Sundays: The Monday Edition will be posted later today…just as soon as I make my lunch. ;)
**Charli would want me to point out that the "champagne" was actually prosecco.  She is a stickler for details like that.