
Let's get this party started!!

Without further ado…I present to you…
Fall Detox 2011!!!  (I tried to come up with a catchy title like this one, but nothing stuck...)
Specifics will follow, but the gist of my plan is this:

The NO's:
  • Gluten
  • Soy
  • Dairy
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Corn
  • Coffee

Sheesh.  When you put all that stuff up there in one lump, it makes this seems like a positively irrational idea.  
Oh, well.  Too late to back out now...

I will be modeling this detox on Natalia Rose's book Detox 4 Women.  If you are really interested in improving your health, I can not recommend this book enough.  When Erin and I did Natalia's Raw Food Detox Diet a few years back, we both agreed that it was the best we've ever felt…ever.  Natalia's philosophy forever changed the way that I approach eating and nutrition.  Now, don't let the title fool you.  There is nothing "girly" about this book.  The fundamentals work just as well for men as they do for women.  It is a four week plan, but I'll be using this week as my transition week.  It is always a good idea to give yourself a week to prep rather than diving straight into a detox.  Doing that will cut down on a lot of the detox symptoms that can occur when embarking on a new way of eating.  I will use this week to do my food shopping, quit coffee, eliminate the "foods" listed above and generally get all my vegetables in a row before the hard core juicing starts on Monday October, 10th.  Here's my shopping list, Veggies.  Let me know if you have any questions!

-♥ J :)

*Read HERE about the detox we did back in the spring.

Fall Detox 2011 SHOPPING LIST
Fruits and Veggies:
Frozen blueberries
Frozen strawberries
Baby carrots
Mixed greens
Frozen broccoli
Frozen and/or fresh spinach
Frozen artichoke hearts
Frozen brussels sprouts
Sweet potatoes
Butternut squash
Spaghetti squash

Condiments and Dips:
Unsweetened Almond Milk (rice milk if you have a nut allergy)
Almond Butter
Olive Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dijon Mustard
Garlic (powder or fresh)
Seeds of Change Marinara Sauce (dairy-free)
Earth Balance Soy-Free Natural Buttery Spread
NuNaturals Stevia
Nama Shoyu (soy sauce)

Sesame seeds


Organic brown rice 
Buckwheat Soba (like this one)