
Coffee=1 Willpower=0

On Monday I casually mentioned that I was quitting coffee.
Here are some of the comments that I received:

"Again with the coffee quitting?! Why do you do this to yourself? Don't you like coffee?"
"You will quit coffee when you are pregnant. Until then, enjoy your only vice while it lasts!"
"For God's sake - enough with the coffee!!! ENOUGH I say!!! Just accept that it is magical and embrace it!"

I made it the whole week.
Then Charli came over this morning to workout.
Very early.
And I saw that John had left us a full pot of fresh coffee.
But I had tea.
Even though Charli had coffee.

The wheels didn't come off the truck until I saw Jennie's Facebook comment about how she and her husband have started taking morning walks with their twins to their neighborhood coffee shop.

Suddenly I was plagued with fantasies of long strolls, leisurely mornings and steaming, hot coffee goodness.
I couldn't stop thinking about coffee!

This post by Averie didn't help.

Resolve.  Broken. 

You won this round coffee.
But I will be back.
I. will. be. back.

Until then, I'm making Marla's Coffee Frappe-a-Shake!
How delicious does this look?!?

I love how she drinks it straight from the blender cup.  A woman after my own heart.
Have a great weekend, Veggies!

-♥ J :)

P.S. Don't forget to set the DVR…Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution is on tonight ABC 9/8c.