
Brusha Brusha Brusha

Have you ever heard of Dry Brushing??  Basically, you take one of those stiff bristle brushes that are usually used in the shower and brush your skin in long sweeping movements from ankle to neck.  It's right about now that you may be thinking, "Why…why…would I ever do that?!?!"  Well, not only does this practice detoxify the lymphatic system and promote circulation, but it also improves cellulite and make your skin smooth and lovely.  Ah, now you're listening.  For a more detailed description of Dry Brushing and it's benefits, check out this article on The Well Daily or the instructional video above.  In a perfect world Dry Brushing would be one of those things I do everyday (along with this, this and this).  However, as my mom always says, "life and fruit aren't perfect." ;)

-♥ J :)

P.S. In case you were wondering about the title of this post...