
The Detox Files

Happy Friday, Veggies!!!  For those of you playing our home game, today marks Day 5 of Fall Detox 2011.  Since Monday I have been juicing during the day and then having a hearty vegan meal for dinner.  Even though this week was really busy, I found that juicing was surprisingly easy to stick to.  This was due in part to the discovery that Earth Bar, one of my favorite places to get fresh juice, now sells juice in prepackaged bottles! 

 I bought three days worth, so I would have them all ready to go whenever I wanted one.  The cost of the juice broke down to about $30 a day.  That's a little steep but, for me, the convenience was worth the price.  Besides, a lot of the popular juice cleanses charge up to $80 a day, so I felt like I was getting a deal. 

HOWEVER (big however), do not get discouraged if that is out of your budget or you don't live near a fresh juice bar.  Next week I am going to cover some cheap and easy ways to get your detox on without having to sell off all of your belongings.  Until then, here is my food plan from the beginning of the week.  Let me know if you have any questions!

-♥ J :)

10 a.m.- Green Juice: romaine, kale, spinach, celery, parsley, cucumber
12 p.m.- Coconut Bliss Smoothie: organic coconut meat and water, coconut manna, vanilla bean, extra virgin, raw, organic coconut oil, agave ice
4 p.m.- quinoa with broccoli
8 p.m.- Green Juice

10 a.m.- Green Juice
12 p.m.- Citrus Cleanse Juice: orange, green apple, kale, lime
4p.m.- quinoa with broccoli and lentils
6 p.m.- Gt's Kombucha
8 p.m.- Green Juice

10 a.m.- Liver Cleanse Juice: beet. apple, carrot, lemon, ginger, aloe
12 p.m.- Chocolate Supreme Smoothie: raw cacao, banana, raw almond butter, almond milk, agave 
3 p.m.- Citrus Cleanse Juice
6 p.m.- Green Juice
8:30 p.m.- Bill's Tender Greens Salad (Tender Greens Nicoise: NO tuna. NO egg. SUB grilled vegetables) vegan butternut squash soup and a side of hummus

Mmmmm....so yummy.