
Legends of the Fall

Oooh, I love me some fall*. You can say what you want about New Years, but for me September will always be the symbol of new beginnings. "Back to School" is all potential, fresh starts and another chance to get it right. (Not to mention the new school clothes!!!)

This weekend I gave summer a proper, lazy send off by sleeping in, staring at trees and eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. One of the things I wanted to eat was pasta. Lots and lots of pasta. However, in keeping with the lazy mood, I didn't really feel like exhausting myself with such frivolities as shopping for ingredients or…thinking. Hence the Lazy End of Summer Spinach "Pesto" Pasta was born. I grabbed what was already in the house, mushed it all together and voila…dinner. Sure, a lot of things about this recipe could be perfected, but I figured there is plenty of time for that kind of ambition come fall.

-♥ J :)

*Happy Healthy Belly has a bunch of fun fall adventures coming up!!! Trips, lectures, maybe a change of season detox….Stay tuned!!

Lazy End of Summer Spinach "Pesto" Pasta
serves 4 (or 2 very hungry people…)

-1 lb. brown rice spaghetti pasta 
-1 lb. frozen organic spinach
-juice of 3 lemons
-3/4 cup olive oil
-garlic powder to taste
-lemon pepper to taste
-red pepper flakes to taste

1. In a large pot (like this one) bring water to a boil.
2. Meanwhile, steam entire package of spinach. Set aside.
3. When water is boiling, add entire package of pasta.  Cook for 8 minutes.  (Be very precise when cooking brown rice pasta.  A minute too long results in a gummy-goo mess.) Drain and set aside.
4. Put half of the reserved spinach along with the lemon juice, olive oil, garlic powder and lemon pepper in a blender.  Blend on LOW until ingredients are roughly chopped.  (I added a splash of the pasta water to this mixture to thin it out a bit.)
5. Pour "pesto" over pasta and fold in remainder of spinach.  Garnish with red pepper flakes and enjoy!