
Ice Ice Baby

Fall may be just around the corner, but LA has cracked the 100 degree mark all week long.  Faced with this plight, I did what any resourceful lady would do…I cruised the Whole Foods freezer section for treats.  Here's what I found:

Rush Bowls: Meal in a Bowl blended fruit
Blended guava juice, acai berries, mango, banana with a gluten-free "granola" topping???  Yes, please.  These bowls are (as per their name) a complete frozen meal in a bowl.  If you want to eat yours right away, they can be defrosted in the microwave or, if you are saving it for later, the "bowl" can sit out at room temperature for two hours.  There are six different flavors all with fun names like "Yoga Bowl" or "Power Bowl."  I picked "Beach Bowl" in the hope that I may actually  find myself eating it on the beach this weekend.  A girl can dream…

So Delicious Coconut Milk Minis: No Sugar Added Vanilla Bar
These chocolate covered bits of heaven are lucky they made it from the car to the house.  Not because they were in danger of melting, but because it took every bit of  self restraint I could muster not to gobble them up on the car ride home.  Dairy free.  Soy free. Gluten free.  Less than 1 gram of sugar.  Are you still reading or did you immediately run out to buy some??  I would not hold it against you if you did.  And even though the bars are called "minis," they are still a really good size.  That did not, however, stop me from inhaling two of them.  Don't look at me like that.  I ate my dinner first...

-♥ J :)