
Many A Truth Is Said In Jest

I love this book so much that when I finished it I hugged it.  For, like, a long time.

I love this book so much that I want you to read it.  And I want to stand behind you while you are reading it and wait for you to laugh so that I can say, "Wait, which part did you just laugh at??"  I tried to recreate a similar effect by reading passages that I thought were hilarious aloud to my husband.  This resulted in a lot of polite smiles followed by, "No, it's seems funny.  I just can't really understand what you are saying when you keep laughing like that."

I love this book so much that I think it should be mandatory reading for every girl over the age of 13.  And every guy.  And all pets that can do tricks….like reading.

If you like your feminism with a side of poop jokes then you are in luck.  Tina Fey's Bossypants is a feminist manifesto disguised as a hilarious autobiography.  Or as she describes it a how-to manual for raising an "achievement-oriented, drug-free, adult virgin."  In a world of not good enough, Ms. Fey not only challenges that paradigm but she makes you, little 'ole book reader in your pajamas, feel as though you can change the world simply by refusing to be anyone other than who you authentically are.  She also makes you laugh until you pee.  Those two things are what I call "a good time."  

Three cheers, Tina!!!  I am putting you in the Lady Hero Folder in my mind.  With Eleanor Roosevelt.  
And my Mom.

-♥ J :)

**Click HERE to buy Bossypants. (I am so jealous that you get to read it for the first time!!)