
Vegan Blog Lovin'

pictures and illustrations via The Vegan Stoner

Feeling the need for some vegan inspiration???

Take a trip to The Vegan Decision* where you can find "thoughtful essays from people who made the decision to stop eating animals." There people write about "what led to that decision" and how it has affected their world.  The writers also share links to some of their favorite vegan things.

After you are done, hop on over to the blog that Vegan Decision called the "coolest vegan recipe blog, by far." Introducing: The Vegan Stoner.  This blog will show you how to "cook cheap, fast, and vegan"  with mouthwatering photos, simple instructions and adorable illustrations.  (Those are their yummy pics up above...)

I'm so in love with these blogs.  Fall in love, too, right here and here.

-♥ J :)

*Want to share your vegan story???  Email The Vegan Decision here.  Be sure to check the website for essay guidelines.