
Everyone raise a glass of green juice...

...for my most fantastic friend Sid!!!
Today is his birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Sid!!!
You are the peas to my carrots and I love you!!!

In honor of Sid's birthday, here is a life giving green juice recipe.
May all of your birthdays be filled with good health, good luck and much happiness!!!
-♥ J :)

Green Juice Recipe
(Juicer required.  This is the one I use.)
-2 large Cucumbers (peeled if not organic)
-Big fist-full of Kale
-Big fist-full of Romaine
-3 stalks of Celery
-1 Pear or Green Apple
-1-2 big Broccoli stems
-1 lemon
-1/2 inch of Ginger
Experiment to taste!
Makes about 32 oz. Make more and save in Mason jars up to 24 hours.